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McKinney Boating Accidents Lawyer

Our McKinney Lawyers Have the Experience and Knowledge to Win Your Boating Accident Case

While boating can be an enjoyable activity, it can also be dangerous. Boating accidents can occur for a variety of reasons, including negligent boat operation or defective boat equipment. There are many types of injuries that can occur in boat accidents. Even if a boat's occupants follow the correct safety procedures, such as wearing life preservers, they may still suffer serious harm through no fault of their own. In these situations, injury victims will need to determine their options, and they may be able to recover compensation from the person or parties who were responsible for an accident.

The attorneys of Burress Injury Law have extensive experience representing clients in serious injury and fatality boat crash cases. We understand how to investigate boat accidents, including access to the best accident reconstruction experts in the U.S. We have a proven track record of success in recovering full compensation for our clients, and we are here to help you.

Burress Injury Law's talented team has 250 years of combined experience, half of which was previously spent representing insurance companies and Fortune 500 companies in high-stakes cases across the U.S. We exclusively help serious injury victims and families of wrongful death victims. With our extensive experience on both sides and 400 trials under our belt, we hold a major advantage, because we understand how insurance companies value claims and how to motivate them to make higher settlement offers on our clients' cases.

Causes of Boat Accidents

There are many different reasons boat accidents can occur. In some cases, a boat driver may be negligent or even grossly negligent. Negligence can be found for actions such as speeding or failing to keep a safe lookout for other boats or swimmers. Driving a boat while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is another common reason for boat accidents, and this is an example of gross negligence. In Texas, the same limits for blood alcohol content apply for boat operators as for drivers of motor vehicles. An intoxicated boat driver is far more likely to cause an accident than a sober driver.

Boat accidents can also occur because of defective boat equipment. A boat owner has a responsibility to maintain his boat in a safe condition, and failure to do so can result in an accident. For example, if a boat's engine is not functioning properly, it may cause the boat to stall or be difficult to control. This can put other boaters and swimmers at risk of serious injury or death. Additionally, boat owners are required to have certain safety equipment on board their vessel, such as life jackets and/or other flotation devices. Failure to keep the requisite life preservers on a boat could result in an occupant drowning.

Injuries in Boat Accidents

Victims of boat accidents may suffer serious injuries for a variety of reasons, including:

  • When two boats collide, their occupants may suffer injuries such as broken bones, whiplash, or traumatic brain injuries due to the impact.
  • If a boat strikes a person who is in the water, they may suffer severe bodily harm, including head injuries, spinal cord injuries, or severe lacerations from a boat's propeller.
  • When a boat capsizes, occupants will be at risk of drowning, especially if life preservers or flotation devices are not available.
  • In some cases, a collision or malfunctioning equipment may cause a boat to catch on fire, and occupants may suffer serious burn injuries.

Contact Our Celina Boat Accident Attorneys

If you or someone you love has been injured in a boat accident that was caused by another person's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. The dedicated personal injury lawyers of Burress Injury Law have extensive experience representing clients in boat accident cases, and we are here to help you. We will thoroughly investigate your case and work to hold all the responsible parties fully accountable. We will fight to make sure you receive full and fair compensation for your damages, and we will not rest until justice is served. Contact us today at 214-726-0016 to arrange a free consultation.

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