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Can I Get a Settlement for Catastrophic Injuries?
If you sustain injuries in an accident, they could be minor, allowing you to heal fully over time. However, some injuries are extremely serious, leaving you with permanent conditions that may never completely heal. Catastrophic injuries can alter your life physically, emotionally, and financially. If someone else’s intentional act or negligence caused your catastrophic injuries, you could be eligible for compensation.
Your damages could be quite high. Sadly, the more your case is worth, the harder the liable insurance company will probably fight against paying your claim. Your skilled McKinney, TX catastrophic injuries lawyer will fight to see you collect as much compensation as you deserve.
What Kinds of Injuries Are Considered Catastrophic?
Whether your catastrophic injuries resulted from a motorcycle, pedestrian, car, or truck accident, your life could be forever changed. Catastrophic injuries include:
Who Pays Me for My Texas Truck Accident Injuries?
Texas plays a significant role in the U.S. supply chain, with our shipping ports and freight routes handling a significant percentage of the nation’s goods. While Americans rely on tractor-trailers to transport goods, large trucks are capable of causing catastrophic injuries and property damage when they cause crashes. Preliminary 2023 data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports 19,531 truck crashes in Texas, responsible for 11,386 injuries and 764 fatalities.
If a truck crash injures you, who is liable for paying compensation? How do you know if you qualify to file a claim? The skilled lawyers at Burress Injury Law must investigate your accident to answer those questions. Call us today for your free consultation to learn more.
Do I Have To Go To Court For My TX Personal Injury Claim?
If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, securing experienced legal representation is essential to understanding your rights and pursuing compensation. One common concern for those filing a personal injury claim is whether they will need to go to court to recover damages. While some cases may proceed to trial, most personal injury claims are resolved through negotiations. A skilled attorney at Burress Injury Law will work diligently to secure a full-value monetary recovery — whether through a pre-suit settlement, during litigation, or, if necessary, by presenting your case to a jury of your peers.
What Is a Personal Injury Claim?
A personal injury claim is based on proving that another party’s negligence caused your injuries and resulting losses. Negligence occurs when someone fails to act as a reasonable person would under similar circumstances, either through action or omission, leading to harm. Accidents that commonly lead to personal injury claims include:
What Is a Wrongful Death Claim, and Who Can File One? | TX
Texans are injured in accidents every day. While some victims can recover from their wounds, others lose their lives. You probably know that injured accident victims may be entitled to compensation through a personal injury claim, but did you know that by filing a wrongful death claim, eligible survivors might also receive compensation for fatal accident victims?
To file a wrongful death claim, you must meet specific criteria. A knowledgeable McKinney, TX lawyer from Burress Injury Law can determine your eligibility and help you proceed with your claim.
What Is Wrongful Death?
This term refers to someone losing their life as a direct result of another party’s negligence or intentional actions. The responsible party might be an individual, a group, a company or corporation, or an organization. While many wrongful death claims involve accidents, others are the result of assaults.
What Is Modified Comparative Negligence in Car Accidents? | TX
You may know that if you are injured in a car accident, you might qualify to seek compensation. Did you also know that Texas’s modified comparative negligence can disqualify you?
Understanding how modified comparative negligence affects car accident claims is a necessary step in your fight to obtain reasonable compensation for your injuries and damages. An experienced car accident lawyer can increase your chance of a favorable outcome.
What Is Negligence?
In legal matters, negligence is failing to act as a reasonable person would in the same situation. For car accidents and most other kinds of personal injury claims, you have to show evidence of someone else’s negligence to seek compensation from them.
You must prove these four elements are true to establish negligence:
Someone owed you a duty of care.
That party breached their duty of care.
Injured in a Motorcycle Crash? You Might Be Eligible for Damages | TX
Like all traffic accidents, motorcycle crashes have the potential to result in severe injuries and property damage. These accidents can also force the motorcyclist to miss a lot of work while recovering. Depending on the intensity of the injuries, the required therapies, medications, and other forms of treatment can become very costly. Fortunately, if you are in this situation, you have some options. If you were hurt in a motorcycle accident, speak with a trusted Collin County, TX personal injury lawyer to understand how you might recover compensation.
When Can Damages Be Recovered?
Since motorcyclists are unprotected by the body of a vehicle, collisions have a greater likelihood to result in more significant bodily injuries. Oftentimes, these crashes cause catastrophic injuries or death.
If you were hurt in a motorcycle accident and wish to recover compensation from the at fault party (or his or her insurance policy), you need to prove the following:
What Is Vicarious Liability in Truck Accident Cases in Texas?
Truck wrecks can lead to devastating injuries and extensive property damage. While a truck driver may have been at fault for an accident, injury victims will need to understand who may be held liable for their injuries and damages. The concept of vicarious liability may play a role in these situations, ensuring that a victim will be able to recover financial compensation for their damages.
Vicarious liability is a legal doctrine that holds one party legally responsible for injuries caused by the actions or negligence of another party. In the context of truck accidents, someone other than the truck driver may bear financial responsibility for any injuries or damages that occurred in the accident. An attorney with experience representing clients who have been injured in truck accidents and recovering compensation on their behalf can provide guidance on the role that vicarious liability may play in a case.
Are Self-Driving Cars Responsible for Accidents and Injuries?
Over the past decade, artificial intelligence (AI) technology has become more and more powerful, and it is used in a wide variety of industries. One area that has received some attention is the automotive industry, with self-driving or autonomous vehicles becoming popular with many drivers. The manufacturers of these vehicles promote these features as ways to protect public safety, claiming that leaving driving up to computer systems will result in vehicles driving more defensively. Unfortunately, this has not proven to be the case, and Tesla cars in particular have been involved in a number of car accidents over the past several years, with some of these accidents being fatal.
People who are injured in accidents involving self-driving vehicles may be unsure about their legal options. Determining liability in these cases can be difficult, since investigators may be uncertain about whether a driver’s negligence was to blame for an accident or whether faulty vehicle technology led to a crash. An attorney who has experience addressing these issues can investigate a crash, determine the causes, and fight to ensure that an injury victim will be properly compensated for the damages they have suffered.
Why Drunk Driving Can Lead to Car Accidents and Injuries
Drunk driving is a serious criminal offense that can have devastating consequences. Every year, there are thousands of car accidents throughout the United States that occur due to drivers operating their vehicles while under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or other substances that cause impairment. Drunk driving accidents often result in severe injuries or even wrongful death for people involved, including the occupants of other vehicles, the passengers in a drunk driver’s vehicle, or pedestrians or bicyclists who are struck by drunk drivers.
The Dangers of Drunk Driving
The use of alcohol or other intoxicating substances impairs a person's ability to safely operate a vehicle. Alcohol affects judgment, coordination, reaction time, and vision – all crucial skills needed for safe driving. When someone chooses to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol, they put themselves and others at risk.
What Role Can Electronic Logging Devices Play in Truck Accidents?
In recent years, the use of electronic logging devices (ELDs) has become mandatory for many commercial truck drivers in the United States. These devices can play a crucial role in determining the causes of truck accidents. With data gathered by ELDs, people who have been injured in collisions with commercial trucks may have the information needed to show that a truck driver had acted negligently or that there were other factors that led to an accident. An attorney who has significant experience successfully prosecuting truck drivers and trucking companies responsible for causing injuries or death to others on roadways can help ensure victims will be properly compensated for all the harms and losses to them and their families.
Understanding Electronic Logging Devices
An electronic logging device is a piece of hardware that connects to a commercial vehicle's engine to record driving time. These devices have replaced traditional paper logbooks, which were prone to errors and falsification. The U.S. Department of Transportation has implemented an ELD mandate, requiring the use of these devices, with the purpose of improving road safety by accurately tracking drivers' hours of service.