Burress Injury Law
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Garland Brain Injury (TBI) Attorney

Texas Attorney For Traumatic Brain Injuries Near Garland

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are among the most severe and life-altering injuries that a person can experience. During accidents or other situations involving physical trauma and injuries to various parts of the body, a person may be struck on the head. Unfortunately, brain injuries can sometimes seem invisible, and they may not seem to be serious at first. However, the full impact of a TBI may begin to become known in the days and weeks after an accident. Because of the profound impact that brain injuries can have on a person's life, their ability to maintain employment, and their overall well-being, it is important to receive the proper medical treatment, and victims can take action to recover financial compensation that will address they ways they have been affected.

Legal representation is crucial when navigating the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury and securing appropriate compensation. The experienced attorneys at Burress Injury Law can help address the legal, medical, and financial challenges associated with TBIs. With our high level of experience in personal injury cases, we can provide strong advocacy for injury victims, fighting to maximize the financial compensation they receive.

Common Situations Leading to Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries can occur in a variety of circumstances, including:

  • Motor vehicle accidents: Car wrecks, motorcycle accidents, and truck accidents frequently result in head trauma, especially in high-speed collisions or rollover accidents. These accidents are often the fault of negligent drivers, but other parties may also be liable for a person's injuries.
  • Falls: A person may slip and fall on a wet floor or slippery surface, and falls may also occur due to issues such as broken railings, dangerous stairways, or collapsing balconies. In these situations, property owners may be held liable through premises liability claims.
  • Sports injuries: Contact sports like football or soccer can lead to concussions or other severe brain injuries. In some cases, these injuries may occur because of defective safety equipment, or children may suffer injuries due to negligent coaching and supervision.
  • Violence: Assaults or other forms of violence can lead to brain damage, either from direct blows to the head or from secondary impacts.

Impact of Traumatic Brain Injuries

The effects of a traumatic brain injury can vary widely, but they often include:

  • Cognitive deficits: A person may experience problems with memory, concentration, and decision-making skills, which can affect their ability to function normally.
  • Physical impairments: Loss of coordination, chronic pain, sleep disturbances, and fatigue are common issues that can affect brain injury victims, leading to difficulty in their daily lives.
  • Emotional and behavioral changes: Mood swings, anxiety, depression, and even personality changes can result from TBIs. These issues can affect a person's relationships with others and their professional life.
  • Long-term rehabilitation needs: Many victims require ongoing therapy, extensive medical care, and other forms of support to manage their daily lives.

Compensation and Recovery in Personal Injury Claims

Compensation in TBI cases may address the extensive medical bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and other financial losses experienced by a victim. Furthermore, non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering and loss of quality of life may also be addressed. An experienced personal injury attorney can help quantify these costs and advocate for full and fair compensation that covers a person's immediate and long-term needs.

How Burress Injury Law Can Assist in TBI Cases

Burress Injury Law brings an unparalleled level of knowledge and experience to personal injury cases involving traumatic brain injuries. We take an aggressive approach to advocating for our clients, fighting to ensure that they will be properly compensated. We provide our clients with:

  • Extensive trial experience: With over 500 jury trials under our belts and a success rate exceeding 99.9%, the attorneys at Burress Injury Law are not only skilled in negotiation, but we are also thoroughly prepared to take cases to trial if necessary to achieve the best outcome for our clients.
  • Client-centered approach: We treat every client with the utmost care and respect, acknowledging the immense personal and emotional challenges that can affect TBI victims and their families. We always provide our clients with the same level of care and service that we would offer to our own loved ones.
  • Recognized excellence: Our commitment to quality and client satisfaction is reflected in the numerous awards we have received, including being recognized as Best Personal Injury Attorney and Best Law Firm by several local magazines and news sources. We have received hundreds of positive reviews, and we have a perfect 5.0-star rating on Google, a 10.0 rating on Avvo, and an AV rating from Martindale-Hubbell.

Contact Our Garland Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers

Following a traumatic brain injury and other types of injuries that were caused by negligence, Burress Injury Law can provide legal representation to ensure that a victim will be fully compensated for their damages. Contact our firm today at 214-726-0016 to set up a complimentary consultation.

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